The New Chatrooms 2003 - 2030

Hi folks!

If you arrive on this page, you are probably looking for the old Samuro webcam chat from 2003 with the 80 rooms.

Yes, yes, we are still alive and kicking and still love to chat!

We now offer you two chats:

1. is a 3D webcam chat in which you wander through a virtual world with a little avatar.
This chat runs on modern Windows PCs, and a version for Android phones is planned in a few months' time.

Planet Samuro, présentation Planet Samuro, présentation

2. nsis_install_chat.exe is a simple webcam chat with just a foto as background.
This chat is perfect if you have an old slow PC.

: speak at the microphone
: Set the volume of the sound
: turn on your webcam
: change your profile
: Room list (the airplane icon to travel)
: Choose a microphone
: browse the group/forum of the room
: choose a webcam
: Writing style/color
: Font size
: Emoticon list
: Close

During installation, Windows may display a blue warning screen:

Simply click then on the "Additional information" line and then on the "Run anyway" button.

These two chats are connected, which means you will meet the same people in both chats. The 3D chat offers many more options and things to do, such as visit a planet with lots of islands, build houses, etc. but some people find it too complicated and prefer a simple chat that runs even on an old, slow PC.

Come and join in, it's all free and you'll have lots of fun

You can also leave us a message or a question in our forum : (for PC, iPhone or Android)

Information for people who want to open a chat room

You want to open a chat room like on the old Samuro chat? Here's some information to get you started.

First some good news: everything you could do on the old Samuro webcam chat, you can do on the new one. You can open your own server, you can open webcam and microphone rooms, you can have games, emoticons, bots and radio links. You just have to learn how it's done because it's not like before.

People can access the server in 3 ways: a) with the 3D Planet Samuro application, b) through the simple chat that has only a background image, and c) in a few months via your android phone.

If you want to be a room owner or moderator, you have no choice but to master the 3D Planet Samuro app, because room management operations are only possible in 3D, including : creating a room, configuring it (placing a photo and description), placing a bot or a scrabble game, or ban people.

Other visitors to the room can use any application, to simply chat, use the webcam and microphone, view profiles, or change rooms.

What you also need to know is that unlike the old Samuro chat, a room owner is NOT obliged to install a server, because we already have 10 high-capacity servers open 24/7 with more than enough power to host you, and you'll lag far less on these servers than if you open your own. All you need to do is reserve a 3D plot of land for your room.